
Self Composed

Self Composed

This permanent interactive installation has been a part of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art since 2016. Inspired by a darkroom technique and a desire to think more critically about the selfie, these two photo booths allow visitors to create their own artwork inside the museum. It combines their visage and objects they carry to create a new dimension of self portrait. These images are printed out and can be shared. However, Self Composed enables conversations and interactions that could only happen at the museum.

Self Composed was named one of the top ten things to see at SFMOMA by Curbed SF. It has also been written about in the Wall Street Journal, Sunset Magazine, and Communication Arts.

Self Composed 4.png
Self Composed has become a wildly popular 
attraction… In its first four months, more than 
sixty thousand photogram selfies have been 
created, printed, and shared.
— Keir Winesmith, Head of Web and Digital Platforms at SFMOMA